Who We Are

Who We Are

Property Plus has established itself as an independently confirmed leader in the Fin-Tech leisure property sector. We are the self proclaimed silver lining in the grey cloud of the global financial crisis. Experts from both commercial and leisure properties, our focus is on short term vacation let properties. Why? For you subscribers, when not enjoying the luxury of you own property portfolio room rate free. They return three times the rental yield compared to their long term residential counterparts.


What We Do

Property Plus has grabbed attention since its recent launch into the global market place as a business model intent on taking advantage of the distressed property market. Which is firmly a buyers market since the property crash in the Western Hemisphere. Conversely the East has produced more millionaires than at any time in human history, and the result? High-end short term vacation let property has never been in such demand. Globalisation has resulted in the financially independent East connecting to the luxury property crash of the West. Highly sophisticated FIn-tyec leisure companies such as Property Plus broker the perfect storm for club purchase success.


How Does It Work

Our club system allows the public to buy rights into the company owning the property. To allow worry free purchase, an independent financial authority called a Trustee holds the deeds to all the properties that the clients (known as, "Subscribers") monies buy. Once maturity allows the sale of the properties. The Trust system, independent of the sales or marketing agents appoints a qualified administrator. Freezes future sales.

The property assets are valued and sold as fast as practicably possible in the most profitable way for the Subscriber. And the funds along with the any other assets accumulated by Property Plus will be liquidated and distributed to the Subscribers holding valid rights at that time. This is our job. It’s what we wake to do every day of our lives and its why the Subscribers happily budget our fixed management fee into the vacation budget every year. In summary, Property Plus brings to the table a complete vacation homeowner style package to the table where the public can own, vacation, relax, enjoy and be guaranteed of a return when they’ve finished their vacation adventures.




After the world wide banking crisis and the subsequent collapse of property prices the banks have increasingly become the largest owners of real estate as the default rate of over exposed developers has risen year on year during the crisis years between 2008 and 2013.

Initially, the banks were allowed to postpone the recognition of losses by unrealistic pricing and the consequent lack of sales. However, this position has been reversed in 2012 as they have been obliged to realise the value, which remains in their assets, by enforced disposals. The investment proposition is rendered more attractive by the availability of low cost finance to approved borrowers.

As a well-known investor within the leisure property industry, we are regularly contacted by banks and other lenders, with offers, which fit our guidelines. These are the property must be of a quality standard, useable, in a good location and priced well below the market value. Other issues, such as management and holding expenses are considered as well.


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